I don’t know where to start, other than I’m a firm believe everything happens for a reason.
Back beginning to the year, I felt very tired, lack of energy, no mojo and not being able to sleep. Thought I was feeling like this due to the start of the menopause (at that age LOL), so the Doctor put me on HRT and after a month didn’t feel any different and in fact worse.
So, the Doctor took me off the HRT and increased my anxiety tablets thinking it was more like January blues etc. Still, I wasn’t feeling any better. Then everything changed.
Worked arranged a mental health awareness course which I was able to attend. The course was amazing and as Alex went through each section, I thought this is me.
After a few days I made the phone call and next thing my sessions started with Alex. The first two sessions were a blur as I didn’t know who I real was anymore. Gradually started to feel better in myself and realised I had got so low that I couldn’t see what was in front of me and couldn’t cope with everyday life.
As the sessions progressed Alex gave me targets to achieve through the week which we then reviewed in the next session.
Cut a long story short, I am feeling the best, since having my children who are now 25 & 22. Alex put things in perspective and guided me to think about the situation, before going in feet first. Alex also introduced me to mindfulness, which I do every day as that clears your mind and grounds you.
If you are an employer, the courses that Alex runs are amazing and its in a good investment into your staff wellbeing. If you are like me, went with the flow, thought that it was the norm to feel like this, it’s not and the best thing you can do is talk and talk to Alex.
My sessions with Alex have now finished and l like I said, I’m feeling the best I’ve been for a long time and when I do have the odd bad day, I know what to do to turn it around. I cannot recommend Alex enough and I do know that in the future if I need to talk, she will be there. It will be the best phone call you will ever make xxx
"I always found that Alex treated me & my situation with dignity & empathy, & was a great listener, but who also knew how to get me talking (which was just what I needed & not many can do so! I would not hesitate to recommend Alex as a wellbeing & wellness coach. ‘It’s good to talk, with Alex’, should be her tag line 😊"
"Alex has been a huge help with my mental health at work. She always makes herself available and is a good listener. She also gives sound advice and puts things into perspective. You have helped me through a very difficult time over last couple of years. I felt nervous about speaking to you initially just because I had never experienced professional support previously, however from the word go you made me feel at ease with your calm and friendly demeanour. You felt familiar even though we had only just met. I now look forward to our sessions as you are able to provide a non-bias, safe space which allows me to reflect and gather my thoughts. Your positivity is infectious, you listen to me like no one else so thank you for that! I believe she has the exact qualities required to an effective wellbeing & wellness coach who can make a difference."
"Her sense of empathy and understanding make people want to open up to her. She can be trusted, and as a result of this has helped many people deal with things in their lives, that they were struggling with. She never pushes, and respects people’s boundaries, but I think it’s because of this that people open up to her, and confide in her in a way that they don’t feel they can do with family and friends. It’s a special kind of person, that can deliver professionalism at the same time as compassion and empathy, and it takes a special kind of person to guide people who have lost their way and help them get back on track."
"As a coach Alex provides a non-judgmental enviroment for you to explore your thoughts safely. She cares. Alex recognizes that in order to have a high performing and well-motivated workforce, an employee’s mental health and physical wellbeing are key. She has a way with people, that can make them think outside the box, and consider other options, which at first, they would not have agreed to. She is the queen of negotiation and compromise. She takes an active interest in people’s lives, and their home situations, which makes it easy for her to identify with individuals."
"Alex is an absolute asset to within the coaching community her approach to complex situations and emotional wellbeing is second to none. I feel comfortable when speaking with her and I know if I really needed to contact her, she would be there for me. To summarise Alex is approachable, understanding and will go above and beyond to help those in need or in times of crisis; she really is one of a kind and I can’t sing her praises enough."
"Whilst on furlough I felt very isolated. Alex asked me to join a daily exercise class on ‘Whats App’ which not only helped my body but my mind. I did not feel so isolated or alone and it had a very positive impact on me.This is something that Alex did not have to do but was an example of her caring nature. As an coach Alex,shows concern, continually strives to raise awareness around exploring healthier opitions to life, thereby reducing the stigma around mental health, she is a great listener who is non-judgemental, approachable, confidential and kind hearted. Alex’s coachimg skills has provided an invaluable level of support. To put it simply, Alex has been an outstanding avenue of support for me during a time within my employment. I have had a lot of turmoil in my personal life and Alex has been there to listen, advise and check in on me throughout it all."
"Alex has the ability to recognise the signs of stress and was confident in giving me guidance and support. She encouraged me to talk freely about my mental health and helped me look at things from a different perspective."
"Alex has been instrumental in maintaining/supporting the health and wellbeing of my working enviroment, particularly over these last 9 months or so due to the pandemic."
"My experience of Alex as a wellbeing & wellness coach has been very positive. She has always been a very approachable person, easy to talk to and a good listener."
"Alex has always been excellent with communication and offering support, especially this year with so many difficulties, including challenges with adapting to working from home. When I was going through a tough time personally, I met with Alex and felt her to be balanced and supportive."
"Alex helped me with everything I went through. She was easy to talk to, she was patient when I was struggling to get my words out. I would recommend going to see Alex as she made me feel safe, comfortable and supported".