To be an employer of choice, you have to do more than supply your employees with a salary, basic training, a laptop and stationary.
Employees are looking for more! Why?
The world has changed, there are so many obstacles that make life hard, these may be:
Family life
Juggling worklife balance
Not enough time
Demading role within the workplace
The list is endless!
The introduction of Wellbeing Champions into a company can underpin your company's commitment to improving the wellbeing of your workforce, and act as visible, constant reminder of said commitment in the workplace.
Champions can help forge a more empathic workforce, as they possess and promote greater undertsanding of the needs and feelings of others, mental & physical health knowledge and understanding.
Enrich is offering Wellbeing Champion Training and a fully written support folder.
Get in contact today for more details, we are here to help :)